
Archive for February, 2008

This cutie is about to be really famous. 

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I spent the entire weekend with Bell Guy, which was very nice and fun!

We spent part of Saturday lunching in Georgetown and looked at a couple of open houses. The plan is to move in together once I get my situation resolved and my current residence sold. I will not continue to live in Virginia, as there are no gay rights in Virginia and none planned. So, it is either going to be DC or Maryland and I am trying to learn the neighborhoods.

While I never talk about sex, I wanted to make a note for myself on here that I really had my first real good sex as a bottom on Saturday. I had been successful before but this was the first time that it really clicked for both of us. While I prefer being a top, Bell Guy wants a versatile sexual relationship and I am committed to doing everything I can to make that happen. So, the weekend was a sexual milestone so to speak for me.

We tried to see Atonement Saturday night but it was sold out. Since this was not a blockbuster and has been in theaters a long time, I was a little surprised that we could not get in. I guess everyone wanted to see the movie before the Oscars. Bell Guy had been talking about wanting to see the movie for weeks so he was disappointed. I decided that we’d get up early on Sunday and see the 10 AM showing. In order to force me to wake up that early on a Sunday, we decided to buy the tickets Saturday night. So, Sunday morning we were up and in the movies at 10 AM. I thought Atonement was okay. Of the last ten movies I have seen, I’m not sure it would make the top five.

The rest of the day Sunday was spent looking at more open houses. We then went to dinner and watched the Oscars. I drove home late Sunday night.

Earlier in the post, I alluded to moving in with Bell Guy. I really can’t wait for that to happen.  🙂

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I haven’t blogged about the circumstances involved in my pending divorce in some time (or ever maybe?). Here’s one component.

My wife and I have been debating for some time what to do with the investment property we own. I am an executive in a large real estate company so I have some experience in these matters, but it is impossible to predict the future market. We have a tenant in the house that wants to stay for another year and the real estate market in the city where it is located is not good. (Yes, there are areas where the market is good and, my gosh, if I didn’t already have two properties, I’d be buying now!) The loan has reset and the payment went up fifty percent. While we have equity in the house, I cannot afford a vacancy while the property sits on the market for sale.

So, we’ve decided to keep it. There are other good reasons for keeping it. It is near transportation corridors, commuter rail and should be impacted positively by the base realignment and closure process.

I am trying to get a refinance through and so far, so good. It will raise my payment a little bit, and I will lose some money every month. However, I will not have to deal with selling what may end up a vacant house in a tough market.

My wife and I have agreed that I will make up any difference between what is due monthly and what the tenant pays monthly and that should prevent her from requesting spousal support (alimony).

As long as the appraisal holds, very soon this issue will be off my plate for several years and I am looking forward to that. My hope is the market will improve and we will make some money through appreciation and then sell in a few years when the market is good.

Although my crystal ball is foggy, I am hoping this is all the right decision. I figure that worst case, I can move back into that house when the tenant moves and buy my wife out if I need to. We plan to put the house we share on the market for sale in the Spring. She moves back near her family in late June. Lots of stuff ahead 🙂

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I received a comment over the weekend from a reader who knew the real Chris McCandless. As you may know, the movie Into the Wild was based on the journey Chris McCandless, played by Emile Hirsch, had across the country and into Alaska. She said:

“I grew up with Chris… the whole situation was tragic. He was a light from the beginning.”

I’ve heard from cool people since I started this blog in September, but I found this comment especially unique and special.

Remember his last diary entry, “Happiness only real when shared.” How true.

Into the Wild comes out on DVD March 4. Bell Guy has it in his Netflix queue. I can’t wait to see it again.

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Bell Guy blurted out on chat the other night (can you blurt out on chat?) that he couldn’t wait to marry me. Although absolutely flattered, I was a little surprised. I do love him and see no reason why we will not have the future together but it took me six years of courtship to get married to my wife and I’ve only known him ten weeks. I told him that I agreed that I thought we’d be together in the future but did tell him that it took a long time to make that commitment to my wife and getting married was clearly a mistake knowing what I do now. He was worried that I would freak out and I think he regretted saying it, even though that is how he felt. I’m glad he was honest and I cannot wait to be completely out of my current situation and location so I can spend more time with him and our relationship can continue to grow without all of my baggage.

What is interesting is we both feel like we’ve been dating months or even years. I guess that shows how compatible we are. I still cannot believe how lucky I was to meet him (on craigslist of all places) and I pinch myself almost every day.

Ah, love.  🙂

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I Got a Wii!!!


Finally! I signed up for Wii alerts (a texting service that monitors sites that sell Wiis) in December and it finally paid off a few minutes ago. Thankfully I was sitting by the computer and was able to buy one from amazon.com as soon as I received the text message. Two minutes later they were all gone. I’ll be playing tennis and baseball in about ten days! Yay me!

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Red Hats

A pic from the Red Hat gathering at a table near us last night. Too cute!


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“If we value each other as human beings and believe that everybody has equal worth, and that that intrinsic value is not affected by net worth, or ancestry, or last name, or job description, or ability, or disability…That deep conviction held by our founding fathers that all of us are equal and no one is more equal than another….”

The above quote probably sounds like it came from someone who believes everyone should be treated as equals right? Maybe someone that would believe in gay marriage or at least civil unions? Wrong. That quote was from the Republican debate before Super Tuesday and those word were uttered by Mike Huckabee while he was speaking about being pro-life. I guess everyone is equal unless you happen to be gay.

Regrettably the anti-gay, hypocritical, wing nut did better than expected on Super Tuesday and hasn’t folded yet. I’m waiting.

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Bush lied? No shit. Certainly no surprise there but now some organizations have done a study proving it!

A study by two nonprofit journalism organizations found that President Bush and top administration officials issued hundreds of false statements about the national security threat from Iraq in the two years following the 2001 terrorist attacks.

The study concluded that the statements “were part of an orchestrated campaign that effectively galvanized public opinion and, in the process, led the nation to war under decidedly false pretenses.”

The study counted 935 false statements in the two-year period. It found that in speeches, briefings, interviews and other venues, Bush and administration officials stated unequivocally on at least 532 occasions that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or was trying to produce or obtain them or had links to al-Qaida or both.

Bush led with 259 false statements, 231 about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and 28 about Iraq’s links to al-Qaida, the study found. That was second only to Powell’s 244 false statements about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and 10 about Iraq and al-Qaida.

Full article here. Site for The Center for Public Integrity here.

source: yahoo news

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